Find out more about the methods, process and cost of IVF treatment.
Rely on us for IVF treatment with donated eggs or sperm.
Would you like to move towards happiness? We can help you choose the right methods to increase the success rate of IVF.
We also offer supportive methods that you can use to complement your IVF treatment.
Reveals genetic risks before trying to conceive as well as causes of unsuccessful conception.
Helps prevent disease transmission and allows diagnosis and selection of a healthy embryo.
Allows embryos to be sorted according to quality and risk of aneuploidy, which increases the success rate of embryo implantation.
Tests for Down syndrome and other chromosomal defects in pregnant women.
Get your eggs frozen and increase your chances of conceiving in the future.
The freezing method can preserve them for several decades.
Whether your first transfer was unsuccessful or you want another offspring a few years later, freezing embryos can help.
Do you need to undergo treatment with a surrogate mother? Contact us and we will guide you through the entire challenging process.
We are an infertility treatment clinic and have been helping couples achieve their desired childe for already 25 years. We connect science, holistic medicine, and empathy.
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Our team is composed of professionals in their fields. We draw on years of experience in our work, and we understand that each story is different and deserves an individual approach.
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