Boglárka Slanař Czajliková, DiS.

Boglárka Slanař Czajliková, DiS.

IVF coordinator
+420 722 986 174

I am Hungarian, born in southern Slovakia. I have lived in the Czech Republic for a decade. I am very grateful to have found a profession where I can use not only my character traits but also my mother tongue. The work of the coordinator requires empathy, reliability, diligence. I am happy to be a part of Repromeda and help people achieve their dreams.

"When it rains, look for the rainbow, when it's dark, look for the stars."

Schedule a consultation

And take the first step on your baby journey. The doctor will discuss with you everything that concerns you and suggest the next course of action.

If you have a doctor’s note,
the initial consultation is free.

Boglárka Slanař Czajliková, DiS.

IVF coordinator
+420 722 986 174

I am Hungarian, born in southern Slovakia. I have lived in the Czech Republic for a decade. I am very grateful to have found a profession where I can use not only my character traits but also my mother tongue. The work of the coordinator requires empathy, reliability, diligence. I am happy to be a part of Repromeda and help people achieve their dreams.

"When it rains, look for the rainbow, when it's dark, look for the stars."

Brno, Studentská 812/6, Czech Republic

Your questions will be answered Mon-Fri, 7am-6pm.

Emergency +420 602 592 842
Ostrava, Dr. Slabihoudka 6232/11, Czech Republic

Your questions will be answered Mon-Fri, 7am-3pm.

Emergency +420 606 029 983
Brno, Studentská 812/6, Czech Republic

Your questions will be answered Mon-Fri, 7am-6pm.

Emergency +420 602 592 842

View on map

Ostrava, Dr. Slabihoudka 6232/11, Czech Republic

Your questions will be answered Mon-Fri, 7am-3pm.

Emergency +420 606 029 983

View on map

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[CZ] Obecný formulář (vyskakovací okno, str Kontakt)


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[EN] Obecný formulář (vyskakovací okno, str Kontakt)


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