The entire OD cycle process from the consultation with the doctor to the embryo transfer takes approximately 4 months.
Before you go home, you and the coordinator will fill out a questionnaire with the requirements for a suitable donor. Our extensive database of donors means that everything is quick and you don’t have to wait long. If the male partner takes the PANDA genetic test, the donor will not be selected until 4 weeks after the results are received to ensure compatibility.
Donors at our clinic must meet strict requirements. We perform gynaecological and ultrasound examinations, hormone profile tests, genetic testing and repeated tests for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases. When selecting the donor, we make sure that the blood group and Rh factor of the donor and recipient match and that the donor and recipient are physically similar. If you wish, it is also possible to focus on personality traits and interests.
Donors at our clinic must meet the following requirements:
- age between 18 and 32,
- good health, normal BMI
- no history of hereditary and psychiatric diseases in the family,
- no history of infertility,
- no history of drug addiction,
- non-smoker,
- at least a secondary school education ending with a matriculation examination.